The pages here provide some conceptual and theoretical frameworks that have underpinned our research around the River Thames and how to think through its ecological, social and economic relations. By acknowledging that "water internalizes social relations and politics, as opposed to being merely the object of politics" we understand the total riverine environment as part of a "hydrosocial" cycle; the space where water and society form. Moving through this space are material, social and financial flows that are constantly interrelating, connecting and reforming each other.

The dynamics between the social formation and agential nature of water is best described as a series of conjunctive relations. We arrive at this understanding through the work of Franco Berardi and his writing around "Chaosmosis" - a breathing together, and with chaos. Within this text there is a provocation to consider how as (architectural) technologies and infrastructure penetrates organic bodies. Through these occurrences they coincidently shape the bodies cognitive activity embedding persuasions...

We consider these conceptual positions to be missing from the 2050 speculative plan. Instead it seeks to implement more of connective rather than conjunctive relational approach, proliferating the development of financial orders and infrastructures whilst denying the voices of socio-ecological entanglements.

The Hydrosocial Relations

Tidal Thames - a Polyvalve System
