1. About Collections
  2. Create Collections
  3. Add Channels
  4. Add Workflow
  5. Review Channels
  6. Emoji Settings
  7. Removing Channels
  8. Edit Collections

About Collections:

Collection refers to a group of slack channels for which you want to set up similar escalation policies, emoji settings and integration settings and you can review requests across multiple channels in a single panel. You can also review conversations happening across all channels that belong to a collection in a single view from the collection board on the ClearFeed webapp.

Create Collections

You can create a collection by opening the collections navigation from the action bar & by clicking on the "Create new Collection" button.


You can enter a name for your collection, then select the channels you want to add to that collection.



Add Channels

You can add more channels to your existing collection by clicking on the + button on the topmost right corner.