

Validator in the Celo network which provides a distributed phone number verification service.

Company/service web address: <Validator Company and Web Address>

Nexmo services you intend to use: Communications API: SMS for Phone Number Verification

Geographies in which you intend to use these services: All regions except CU,SY,KP,IR,SD

Content-type you expect to be sending and in what volumes: Currently will be a single link similar to this:


Soon will be switching over to a message like this (localized)

Celo security code: 78931112


Low to Medium Volume (200K messages or less per day)

Social Media content that links you to your company, e.g. LinkedIn page link: <Validator Social Media Links>


The general purpose of using the MessageBird Platform: Validator in the Celo network which provides a distributed phone number verification service.

Company information:

Specific to each validator