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![ Neighbourhood Doughnut v1.1 | Ladywood, Birmingham UK | December 2022 | Two Lenses Rerolled

Based on: The Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries. Credit: Kate Raworth and Christian Guthier. CC-BY-SA4.0](

Neighbourhood Doughnut v1.1 | Ladywood, Birmingham UK | December 2022 | Two Lenses Rerolled

Based on: The Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries. Credit: Kate Raworth and Christian Guthier. CC-BY-SA4.0

Click here to see the full size version of this visualisation.

2 Lenses Rerolled v2 [centred].png

<aside> <img src="/icons/wrench_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/wrench_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> We are currently working on ‘re-rolling’ all Four Lenses of the Neighbourhood Doughnut Portrait, which we’ll be excited to share experiments and progress from at a later date. For now, we have ‘re-rolled’ two Lenses to share our Portrait work-in-progress.


“Arundhati Roy writes ‘What lies ahead? Reimagining the world. Only that’.

But that reimagining requires us to assemble the tools now to help people to feel that longing deep in their bones, that aching, pining, for a new economy, a new world, a thrilling new culture.”

**— Rob Hopkins


From looking at the data, we can say with a fairly high degree of confidence that we are not meeting the needs of our own place, our collective responsibilities to each other or working within ecological boundaries. Whilst this can feel alarming, it’s also a chance to deeply and honestly look at where we are, and where we need to get to, knowing that we might have to oppose a lot and, more importantly, propose and demonstrate a lot more, but that together we are able to do so.

Overwhelmingly, the Community Portrait of Place revealed deep, untapped vision, energy and passion in every corner of the neighbourhood, at a scale that the climate transition and the bold vision of the Doughnut requires of us.

The deeply and actively hopeful part of this Portrait is that there are so many routes already starting to pave the way, on a global scale — with new technologies helping us identify what climate mitigation is possible — and also a local scale; in the field of civic power, agency and care. From CIVIC SQUARE and our neighbours’ collective work in creating a Community Portrait of Place, to others near and far that are 08 | Reimagining Economic Possibilities and 07 | Those Moving Us Into The Doughnut , we are all part of a growing, eclectic field of people working towards an economic system fit for the 21st Century.

It is now about how we collectively harness this. To continue doing bold work and building legitimacy with care. To demonstrate systemically, work in ecologies of community with a thoughtful urgency, knowing that this is the work that the transition requires of us all, and that our liberation is entangled with one another at a planetary scale.

The stage is set. The goal clear. Our current position visible. The possibility and energy abundant. The future is ours to make.