One thing I miss about AnyDo when using Todoist is its Moment, a daily planner popup. It really helps me from being overwhelmed by reviewing tasks calmly one by one. What made me move away from AnyDo to Todoist was because the later is a more open platform allowing various 3rd party integrations.

Now I'm deciding to make my own "Moment" for Todoist, the todolist app I'm using on daily basis.

Typical Review UI

<aside> 🗒️ 1/2 **Design UI #**TodayPlz | Due next week [Done] [Today] [Tomorrow] [Later]


<aside> 🗒️ 2/2 **Post on IndieHackers #**TodayPlz | Due 2 days ago [Done] [Today] [Tomorrow] [Later]


Morning Flow

  1. "Hey, let's review your day"
  2. "First thing first, you have X tasks overdue. Let's review them."
  3. "Great! Today you have Y tasks waiting to be completed"
  4. "Have a great day!"

Evening Flow

  1. Review today tasks
  2. Review tasks with no due dates, sorted by importance/priority, optionally limit the number to prevent overwhelming the user. Offer to schedule for tomorrow or later.

Other Ideas

<aside> 💡 Interested? Suggestions? Comment here, or follow this product on IndieHackers and drop me a message maybe ☺
