<aside> ℹ️ The lists below are crowdsourced by employees around the world and manually curated.


Companies going remote first after Covid-19


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🌉Bay Area



❌until 2021


What is this tracker and why it is useful?

Due to the COVID-19 novel Coronavirus pandemic, companies had to shut down their offices temporarily, until the situation gets better.

Some companies have decided to close their office until a certain date, others chose to close them permanently and go full remote.

Although coming up with a reopening date can be difficult for companies, as an employee, I believe that it allows you to better plan your foreseeable future.

Having a clear timeline for when your company is planning to reopen their office can be super useful.

For example, one might decide to go live in a lower cost of living area, or go back to their home country to stay closer to their family.

This tracker's purpose is to increasing awareness and push company executives to be more transparent with their timeline regarding WFH and office closure.

@geoffrey @picsoung