
More detail to the following answers can be found below

Open - Is your Organisation open-source?

The community data is open source from the beginning. Personal data is closed, however there is potential for data to be available to IOG approved community projects in the interim before the project becomes decentralized. Business logic is initially closed source and then becomes open source over time.

Accessible - Can community contributors issue pull requests or raise issues on your source code?

Anyone can issue pull requests or raise issues on the open source community data. Anyone can join the project to contribute to the website and then raise issues or issue pull requests.

Transparent - Can community contributors access and propose changes to the source text of your documentation?

Anyone in the community can suggest changes to the content of the website or propose additions. Initially the team working on the project will take ownership of changes however over time with better voting infrastructure and self sovereign identity integrations this can be better democratised.

Project components

Ideascale & Catalyst data

This includes the fund and campaign data, proposal data, project tracking data and also any fund results for those proposals. The Ideascale and Catalyst data can be found here in a Github repository.

User data

Personal information including someones name, email address and social account links. Other user data includes someones services and skills they add to their profile.

Skills, services and tags data

Skills and services data is a group of identifiers that can be added to a users profile so they highlight how they can help collaborate on other projects. The tags data is a set of identifiers that can be added to projects and proposals to indicate what they are about.

Education resources