Contact [email protected] if something isn’t working 😊

🎬 Watch a 2-min demo!

👨‍🚀 Visit our public Postman workspace with sample API calls!

🌐 Visit our website

☎️ Book a free 15m call for us to walk you through it


We have two APIs.

  1. 🏢 API for company-level carbon emissions (Scope 1-3, etc). Skip to instructions
  2. 📦 API for product-level carbon emissions (PCF). Skip to instructions


🔑 Demo API Key - pass this in headers as x-api-key


You will need this for both APIs.

🏢 Demo Companies

company ID
Acme (fake) 2
Nestle 3904
US Steel 5790
Apple 540
Alphabet 352
Dell 1705
Volvo 5955

👩‍💻 API Call Instructions (using cURL)

These are all GET requests

To get all records for a company:

curl -H "x-api-key: {API_KEY}" <{COMPANY_ID}>

To get a specific year’s record for a company: