A URL is made up of lots of parts.

We are going to look at the URL from the Enroll Button in the nav on the production site for Rustic Pathways.


What is a Query String?

One of the key characters that can exist in a URL is the ?, that basically ends the URL itself and starts adding additional data you want to send to the site. This data is called a Query String.

So we start with a URL like this:


and we break off the query string, we're left with: the URL:

https://rusticpathways.secure.force.com/studentapp/SALanding and the Query String: ?sid=f119025b-4731-f802-f2a3-8c679fb463e7&sscid=1234&__hstc=184377529.dfa03b903a2582f9f325d3718a98d1e1.1530802752542.1553198335808.1553273543904.265&__hssc=184377529.8.1553273543904&__hsfp=2386364020&_ga=2.98520474.488882776.1553099511-41566484.1528380992

Salesforce and Rustic Pathways’ Enrollment System

Now, we need to talk about Salesforce and how RP's Enrollment system works.

Regardless of where you are on the site, the Enrollment URL is always the same:


What changes is the data that comes in the Query String.

Query Strings are Key/Value pairs separated by & symbols, so our Query String has the following Key/Value Pairs:

The format for this is key=value