
The Cantilever handbook is a living library that explains how we do things at Cantilever. It is our “Operating System.”

<aside> 💪 The handbook is public and shared at handbook.cantilever.co via Super.so.


🏅 Principles

📏 Rules

✅ Do…

🚫 Don’t…

Handbook Style

As of 2024 we have transitioned to a new Handbook entry style. The focus of the approach is on simplicity and maintainability. There are two types of entry in the Handbook now:

Concept entries should typically be formatted like so:

Example Concept Handbook Entry

Guides are more freeform and you can structure them however you feel best to get the message across.

Whenever possible, when you mention the text of a concept within another entry, use an at-mention to link to the entry for that concept. This increases cross-linking within the Handbook and helps minimize entry overlap. Generally you should not link to an entry from within that same entry, but I did so in the last sentence to provide an example.

🚫 Don’t…