
50k PR Attempts:

Ultra Fest

Teanaway Country 100 & Teeny-Way 50k

<aside> ⚠️ Potential Goal Run Switches: Olympics Glacier Peak


Untitled Database

**“Run lots of miles, some of those miles hard and fast,

rest once in a while”**

YoY PROGRESS ‘14-’24

Mileage Year Over Year % Change
2015: +104%
2016: -38%
2017: +10%
2018: +132% - Big jump!
2019: +29%
2020: +71%
2021: -38%
2022: +21%
2023: +61%
Overall Trends
Steady increase in number of runs per year up 463% from 2014 to 2023 (48 to 174 runs)
Total annual mileage reached new high in 2023 of 1,519 miles, a 613% increase from 2014
Elevation gain also hit record in 2023 with 130,293 feet climbed, up 2,428%
Elevation Year Over Year % Change
2015: +37%
2016: -19%
2017: +88% - Large increase
2018: +288% - Huge jump!
2019: +50%
2020: +99%
2021: -51% - Decrease
2022: +36%
2023: +57%
Pace Over Time
Pace mostly ranged from 8:22 to 8:55 minutes per mile
2020 and 2023 were the fastest paces on record

Long Distance Training Per year. *~ Miles are in ranges. 13.1 = 13-20 / 26.2 = 20-30 / 32 = 30-40 / 50 = 50+

Long Distance Training Per year. *~ Miles are in ranges. 13.1 = 13-20 / 26.2 = 20-30 / 32 = 30-40 / 50 = 50+

Run count and Miles ran YoY

Run count and Miles ran YoY

Elevation Climbed YoY

Elevation Climbed YoY

Since you started running in 2014, you’ve ran a total of 6,934 miles. That means this year, your distance will cover the diameter of the entire earth 🌎

*The total elevation you've gained across 10 years is 634,081 feet.

That's taller than climbing Mount Everest over 21 times 🗻*

You ran enough miles in your best year to travel from New York City to Los Angeles over 3 times 🗽

2014 - 2023 Running Logs


Target Mileage
50k: 30mi/week to finish. 50+ mi/wk to perform well. 3wks in a row before taper
50-100k: 40 mi/wk to finish. 60+ to perform well 5wks in a row before taper
100mi: 50 mi/wk to finish. 70+ to perform well 6wks in a row before taper
Optimal Training Intensity Distribution (For Ultras)
75-90% Moderate/Easy
10-20% Heavy
1-5% Severe
Long Easy/Moderate Runs
70-80% Max HR for ~ 2(+) hrs.
Err on the lower end of that range
If HR increase at steady (flat) pace by more than 6 bpm in 1 hr, going too hard for "moderate"
Runs over three hours are generally breaking down more than they will build up from a physiological standpoint.
Economy Details
Intro - 3-5 weeks
2-4/week. Lower weight and more reps
Main build - 6-12 wks
2/wk - high to heavy
Sustaining - until taper 1/wk high to heavy (introduce plyometrics at this stage)

Increasing Economy
Resistance training
Plyometrics: Strides and Sprints
Consistent easy/moderate running.
5 days a week running optimal
Minimally 2.5-3 hours of running stimulus/week
(Hiking on hilly runs as a separate stimulus.)
Heavy / Severe Workload
1-2 sessions/wk with high intensity (1/2M to 10k pace) accumulating roughly 2/3rd time that pace could be held constant.
Fully maintain pace during intervals(no redlining or fading)
Few days with 20-30s strides, some on inclines
Add some shorter races or long hard efforts every 4-6 weeks
Interval Details
20-40 mins of interval fast time in a workout.
30-60 mins a week. Just into severe area.
Recovery time between bouts is more critical when sprinting
Multiple intensities should be used
Speed work of shorter distances 1-2 sessions every 10.
Ultra Crafts
Downhill running