This is the place where you can share any news and updates from the last month. The studio team will have a look and decide on what info to include in the next newsletter.

Depending on where you are based, chances are temperatures are dropping. At Builders, we've started putting our winter hats on and bringing more 'gezelllig' vibes into our space.

December is a good moment for reflection - it's a time for rituals. Rituals can help us reflect on what we've achieved, what we haven't, and most importantly, how we've been doing. We've seen shifts in workplace models: remote, hybrid, and fully back in the office. Work flexibility works for many employees, while it might increase exclusion and isolation for others. Without a strategy, it might become more difficult for leaders to identify how their employees are doing.

According to LinkedIn research, we have observed a 17% increase in burnout since February 2020 and a drop of 6% in employee happiness since June 2020.

As an organization, you are responsible for taking care of your employees, and Gallup offers a solution: focusing on employee recognition.

Amplifying well-being through employee recognition brings several benefits:

So this month, take the time to celebrate achievements as a team, put your employees' pictures on a wall, and let them drop love bombs (compliments) on each other. Then, enter 2023 with honest feelings, charged up with positivity!

News from the Universe

Please add here any news or updates you or your team might have from the last month. It can be something we launched, created, or experienced; a new team member with a short description; a new article, or an achievement.

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