Though I am not hard of hearing, I typically like to have captions on when I watch TV, movies, or YouTube. Unfortunately, I’ve come to find how crappy many different captions are: in TV/movies, the captions can be filled with typos or can be so poorly synced with the audio it becomes distracting; in YouTube videos you’re typically stuck with auto-generated captions.

For YouTube specifically, there has been a campaign to improve the coverage and quality of the “crap-tions” on videos. We can see the need for improvement from simply just watching the video that kicked off the original campaign. As of February 2020, the first line of auto-generated captions read “okay i don't understand anything for this video i know if you think so see if I brought that into this video” for what should read “OK, I don't know how to sign anything in this video. I know a few things, so we'll see if I throw that into this video”. As of November 2023, the captions have been improved to match up with the audio.

When I became aware of this issue in early 2020, I tried to figure out if there was some way to measure the prevalence of human-generated captions on YouTube and determine the overall accuracy of YouTube’s auto-generated captions. This included experimenting with:

The last of these experiments gave me the best results, so I ran with it, using a mixture of YouTube’s own API and my own scraper to identify how often popular videos had captions and when possible, scraping the actual caption tracks from videos with both auto- and human-generated captions. I let these run day after day using Github Actions for more than two years.

For the first part of this process, I was able to analyze the prevalence of human-generated captions across more than 30,000 videos. Overall, only 21% of videos had human-made captions, but the prevalence varies by video type - they’re substantially more common in educational videos and substantially less common in vlogs.


For the latter part of my analysis, I ended up scraping caption tracks from a few thousand different videos that contained both human- and auto-generated captions. I then stitched these captions together so you can see side-by-side how the captions compare. For example, you can view the side-by-side captions for this video on from The Verge here.

With all of this code written and data to analyze, I had planned on turning this project into a fairly substantial project for my website and/or something to publish elsewhere. However, after a few years of collecting the data, it became clear that YouTube’s auto-generated captions had improved quite a bit over time, to the point that their captions were typically within 90+% accuracy of human-generated equivalent captions.

That being said, while the average video will have auto-generated captions with 90% or greater accuracy, there are many that fall far below this threshold, which may make the videos nearly unwatchable for estimated 15% of adults that are deaf or hard of hearing.

So while I’m no longer actively working on this project, I may return to it some day. I would also heavily encourage anyone doing research or their own analysis of this problem to utilize the data I collected however it might be useful! You can find all of my code for scraping and analyzing the caption tracks in this Github repo.