📜 What's happening?

We look at foundational and non-foundational topics in probabilistic proofs, with a focus on zero-knowledge, as well as on efficient and recent solutions.

How? Most of us will present one paper/topic; many show up; some ask questions.

When? We meet (a little less than) weekly, depending on how many presenters there are. We do this Oct-Dec. Dates are below, but flexible.

What if I want credit? You give at least one presentation; you show up almost every time; you write a one/two page summary on somebody else's presentation.

One more thing for presenters: Before your talk please fill out a few paragraphs (the two of us can also do it) saying what is interesting/challenging/open about what you are presenting. This is to give the attendees more than an abstract/title—which is often just dry meat—before they show up (or decide not to)

What if I am unhappy or I have questions? Write to me: [email protected] (or on Slack)

Course Schedule

NB: Slides and further info can be accessed in the "Name" page of the session.

Schedule (Oct-Dec)

📚 Potential Presentations


Potential Attendees