Written and edited by: 🧸 Ahana Banerjee

What is Scrum?

<aside> 💡 Scrum is a framework that works to help teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions to difficult problems.


Scrum is rooted in the Agile Principles, and is held up by 3 pillars:

🪞 Transparency: Work and progress should be visible to everyone on the team

🔎 Inspection: Progress towards the goal should be measured and monitored

⚙️ Adaptability: Adjustments should be made ASAP to minimize inefficiency

These pillars can be put into practice through time-bound iterations called "sprints,"  where a team’s goal is to create a potentially shippable product increment that is ready to be delivered!

Here are some examples of what a product increment can look like:

Sprints can be as short as 1 week to as long as 1 month! While there is debate on what time duration is the most effective, it is most important to stay consistent. Each sprint should be the same length to achieve consistent output!

How Does It Work?

The Scrum framework emphasizes certain defined roles, events, and artifacts (you can think of these as important documentations!). The Scrum team is composed of the following roles: