Setting up a GatsbyJS starter with TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier and pre-commit hooks

In Short

  1. Fork, clone and install the Gatsby default starter
  2. Install gatsby-plugin-typescript and TypeScript
  3. Configure tsconfig.json and type-check script
  4. Converting files to TypeScript
  5. Setting up ESLint & Prettier
  6. Setting up VSC

1. Clone and install the Gatsby default starter

So yes just fork the Gatsby default starter to your own Github account and clone it to your local machine from there.

And you are done with setting you your Gatsby starter and it's running , on  and we can start to set-up TypeScript now!

And you are done with setting you your Gatsby starter and it's running , on http://localhost:8000/ and we can start to set-up TypeScript now!