In truth, there is always a good reason to have sex at any time of the day. However, most couples make love just before going to bed. But why not change things up a bit? Try having sex in the morning! Today, we show you the best reasons to have sex in the good www kamasuthra com.

1 – It is already ready!Let's get straight to the point: in the morning, it's already hot! Indeed, we all know how he wakes up most mornings. A huge erection in the morning makes things a lot easier for madam: you don't need to heat it up“A huge erection in the morning makes things a lot easier for Madame. »


How To Use Kamasutra Condom: You are already undressed

If you sleep naked, of course. If not, you still have fewer clothes on you than in the middle of the day. So enjoy it ! Take off your pajama bottoms and have fun.ochtendseks redenen3 – It burns calories!Having sex in the morning is the best workout you can imagine! You wake up your muscles immediately and since you are active in the morning, you also burn more calories during the rest of the day. Also, you can skip your evening jog or workout at the gym. Guess what you can do with that free time in the evening? Exactly ! Put that back!“Because you are active in the morning, you also burn more calories during the rest of the day. »

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What better way to start the day than a delicious morning orgasm? Want to bet you'll be smiling at work all day? Who wouldn't want to get up 30 minutes earlier to enjoy it?5 – Forget the morning coffeeEveryone knows that sex gives you more energy. So ditch your morning coffee and enjoy some wonderful hot sex instead. You won't need coffee for the rest of the day.6 – The second roundAfter the first round in bed, it's time for the second round in the shower. You've had sex, maybe you've been sweating a bit, and you're generally a little dirty. You should both take a shower before you go to work. So why not move on to the second round?

How Are Kamasutra Condoms: Enjoy it longer

For those who like long sessions: sex lasts longer in the morning than in the evening! For what? After a night's rest, her energy and excitement are at their highest. Therefore, it will probably last longer than in the evening. What more?“It will probably last longer than in the evening. »8 – It's healthy!This is perhaps the most important reason of all: sex is healthy! Research shows that morning sex is incredibly good for building an immune system that protects you against external aggressions and viruses. Having sex in the morning reduces the risk of catching a cold or the flu and also boosts the health of your nails and hair.And you? Are you more evening or morning?