Reflections on -1 to 0 and Exploring Ideas

I wrote this to capture the lessons I learned navigating the exploration process 4 years ago to ultimately build Songbird. Please reach out to me if you have comments/feedback, especially if there are points you have a different take on. Thanks for following along!


The infancy stages of starting a company are some of the most challenging. If the 0 to 1 phase is building out the idea and getting initial customers, the -1 to 0 stage is the winding maze to figure out what idea to pursue.

The -1 to 0 stage (aka idea maze) usually breaks down into 3 components: generating ideas, validating ideas, and gaining conviction.

First, you generate ideas. You may have started with a specific idea, but it is rare for the first business idea someone has to work out perfectly, or for that idea to remain constant. More commonly one realizes flaws in the idea, and needs to figure out how to iterate on it or explore new paths.

Second, one must validate their idea, ensuring that it solves a real need. This often runs somewhat parallel to building an MVP and obtaining initial customers. Validating ideas is important because the most common startup mistake is not building something people want.

Third, at some point you must gain (and maintain) conviction in pursuing an idea. Conviction is the will to keep going, and is tough. Your conviction will be challenged when you’ve left your job, are 3 iterations past your original idea, and have no traction on the current one.

Having gone through this process once and now working on some new ideas, here are some of my thoughts for others going from -1 to 0.

Retro on Songbird exploration process

What we did well