February 15th, 2018

“What can I do to help you get there and make a decision?” - good savvy exec level question I have heard a few times in the recruiting dance of “we both like each other but there isn't an apparent mutual green light”. Cuts through all the noise and really helps opens up the floor for an actionable next step.

When do you know you're in it? Almost everyone can give words to living and breathing a company, space, or role. But what are some indicators you are actually in it as deeply as you say you were. Last summer and fall of '17 I was in ML/DL...and really felt it. It was invigorating because as with anything, once you hit a certain level of fluency, it gets even more addicting as the knowledge, network, and intuition compounds.

thoughts on leadership. behaviors and ways of operating where i've excelled: no task too small, asking for candid feedback, understanding and acting on the need to provide context for decisions, saying i don't know, framing the role as helping a team of people win, finding out someone's personal goal as it relates to learning and growth, asking questions that get at the root objective, striving for being intellectually honest, giving a shit, speaking the truth, we vs I - shining the light, remembering human incentives. ways i've come up short: communicating what i am working on, understanding an individual's preferred communication style, proactively sharing my communication style, body language, navigating lost confidence in other leaders, being patient enough to build a compelling case for change, accepting the fact i am not in full control, coldly limiting communication with individuals i haven't personally respected.