This bounty is for Createabse Call Summaries.

If you are interested in completing this bounty, please leave a comment on this board indicating your interest and the call you would like to summarize. Any call that has a recording on the Createbase Youtube page, but is not published on the Createbase blog, is available for the bounty.

The recordings of the Createbase Calls can be found on the Createbase Youtube page:

Examples of past summaries can be found on the blog:

Summary #5:

Summary #6:

What to do:

Summarize what was said in the Createbase community calls. Make it interesting and useful, with links to what was mentioned when possible. Should work as a reference for people who attended the call, plus be informative for people who were not able to be in the call but want to catch up with the latest developments, updates and discussions. Add some pictures and screenshots to make it visually interesting.

To be provided as a Google doc file (grant editing permissions for [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected])