updated 2023-07-18

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If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. — Yogi Berra


When looking for a job, you'll be asked "what are you looking for?"

It's also a good thing to ask yourself periodically.

The elements below are a helpful rough rubric of how to make career choices. My current personal ordering is below but you may have a different prioritization, especially if you're at a different stage in your career.

  1. Culture / team
  2. Company stage / trajectory
  3. Role
  4. Compensation
  5. Lifestyle factors
  6. Company domain

Target audience

You're a current or aspiring person "in tech" in the United States.


1. Culture / team

The company's team is talented, motivated, and good to work with, and their culture is healthy (and, perhaps, matches your preferences).