@Jay Fanny To run data analytics on engagement results


Themes to be tackled

1.) Better onboarding @McEal 2.) Complete - Time of the weekly meet and better meeting minutes 3.) More tasks for members @McEal

3.1) New members want micro tasks to work on @McEal

3.2) Overall there is a tendency that members want someone to define the tasks that need to be worked on

4.) Improve Governance @Greg Calderiso @SprinklesForWinners

5.) Unclear fit between guilds activities and customers of the guild (who are they?)

Proposed activities

On 1.)

This is currently tackled by the talent workstream

On 2.)

Since there was no consensus to move the time of the weekly meet, we will still record the session on Youtube, so you can listen to it. Educational sessions will be offered separately and there is a talent workstream meeting, a new meeting for the education workstream will probably follow soon.