Authors:@paulapivat, @mamer

Status: DRAFT [Draft->Voting->Closed]

Voting Link: [link to the seshbot poll once created]

Closing Summary: TBD [blurb describing final decision, next steps, at time of close]

This current iteration of the guild governance document is meant to put into place most of the basic framework for guild operation. It utilizes many of the existing policies and procedures found in other guilds within the Bankless DAO. It is meant to be a living document and adapt to the dynamic nature of this organization.

Table of Contents

  1. Guild Governance Framework
  2. Guild Organization/Operation
  3. Membership
  4. Contributions
  5. Proposals
  6. Consensus
  7. Treasury Management
  8. Role Governance

Guild Governance Framework

  1. Ideation
    1. Share an idea in #đź“Šanalytics to get some quick feedback
    2. Do a quick @seshbot poll to get a sense of what people think