Knowledge center

<aside> 💡 "The means to survive, the ways to enjoy life." [S:A]


Both a boarding school and an orphanage, the Skyfall Academy [S:A] is focused on Arts & Métiers (low-fantasy version), with the clear goal to prepare students, wards and citizens for a fulfilling lifetime (or several) thanks to innately intricate ties with the city design and their alumni.

TLDR: Rather generalist than hyper-specialized, at least one themed category per district to get lessons and teachers from, training the gentlemann farmers and performers of tomorrow, our education style improve with partnerships, and we have plenty.

Towards citizenship and beyond

Within a soothing and well-maintained scenery, the soft-walled enclave that define the artful campus also encompass the aforementionned watch tower, a library we're very proud of, the art gallery part museum, hosts the local adventurer's guild, and is ground to a stadium, dojo and practice stations (plus a few other contraptions). We believe that a strong fundation will never fault you along your paths, another reason why we provide a broad base of skill lessons, books and practical studies to start your journey from.

At the Skyfall Academy, our mandatory course is what we call the "Prime Arts", funding qualities of a gentlemann farmer :

To keep some flexibility, at least two disciplines in each category must be cleared (journeyman level) to access graduation exams, though we encourage our pupils to aim for completion.

Then come a choice of vocation and its synergic relations with the urban planning (see below sections for more). Cross-skill experimentations are highly encouraged, especially while knowledge is blooming, innovation is never far... and in any case, learning to avoid further mistakes is a healthy process.

Which path(s) you choose to delve in is naturally up to you, and with no entry age limitation, the Skyfall Academy will remain a standfast beacon of knowledge you can rely on : after all "there is no better path than the one you want to pursue".

Campus facilities

Within a soothing and well-maintained scenery, the soft-walled enclave that defines the artful campus also :