Export instructions:

Before export:

  1. Make sure that you hide the avatar.

  2. Under the "object browser" section, please select "topstitch".

a. Select the first one by clicking on it, then hold shift and select all of the topstitches.

  1. Under the property editor, please change the type from "OBJ" to "Texture".

  2. If you are using a roughness intensity value by number, please replace it with one of the maps in the attached file.

  3. If you have a normal map, please set the intensity to less than 10 (to avoid unwanted shadows in the AR scene).

Now we are ready to perform the export:

  1. From "File", select export and then select glTF2.0 (GLB) and click "save".

  2. On the pop-up menu for glTF2.0 export settings:

a. Under the "object" section, make sure to check "Select All Patterns", "Select all graphics and trims", and check the "Topstitch" checkbox.

  1. For the first trial export: Please check "multiple objects" and "thick" and do NOT check "unified UV coordinates".

  2. Please also export as a single mesh. To do this, check "Single object", "thick", "unified UV coordinates".

You can send exported files in GLB format.