Application Description: Invoice Inventory

We are going to build a simple application that allows adding, viewing, and editing invoices.

Each invoice will contain the following data:

  1. Invoice number - a number assigned to invoice by the supplier
  2. Invoice name - description of the invoice subject
  3. Invoice total value - a number showing how much money is invoiced
  4. Invoice due date - date on which invoice needs to be paid

In addition, we will track Invoice Status as follows:

0|“Under Review” - assigned immediately upon creation of invoice

1|“Accepted for Payment” - assigned once the review is complete and the invoice is approved for payment

2|“Rejected” - assigned once the review is complete, but the invoice is not accepted for payment

3|“Paid” - assigned once invoice has been paid

4|“Overdue” - shows that the invoice has not been paid, and the payment due date has passed

The base version of the application will have 2 main screens:

  1. A list of all invoices in the system, that can be filtered and/or sorted using all invoice fields described above. We will name it “All Invoices”
  2. A screen for adding new or editing the existing invoice. We will name it “View/Edit Invoice”

Once created, our application will look like as shown below.


Creating your application

Opening Aqtra Studio

Building an application in Aqtra Platform starts with opening Aqtra Studio, and adding a Component.

You can open Aqtra Studio by using https://<your_Aqtra_hosting_name>/studio/” link. For example if the domain name where you’ve hosted your instance of Aqtra Platform is, you can access Aqtra Studio using the following URL: “”.

Once you’ve logged into Aqtra Studio, you’ll see the following screen, with menu on the left listing Workplace, Applications & Access. Select Applications->Components.