The Council of elders is a central nervous system of Applifting which makes decisions about fundamental matters, influencing most of Applifting.

It consists of 6 members.

The Council members are elected. Among them is always at least one company owner with at least 45% company shares. By having an owner amongst its members, incentives alignment between Applifting and owners are kept in check.

Powers and responsibilities

Among the Council's responsibilities are:

Council meeting

The Council members meet at the Council meeting every two weeks, unless an urgent need or a crisis requires a weekly meeting.

The Council meeting is a public event and every Applifter can listen in. They can either attend in person or listen to the broadcast via the Google Meet link in the Calendar event.

If the Council needs to address critical or sensitive issues (frictions), it can resort to closing the meeting for the public. Uninvolved Applifters will be kindly asked to leave so the Council can continue in private.

Any Applifter can approach the Council with an issue that he/she would like to see resolved. It is best that such topics are submitted to a member of the Council prior to the meeting so that it can be placed on the agenda.