UI/UX Designer & Digital Creator

Hey 👋🏼,

I’m Aniruddh, A UI/UX Designer and Digital Creator based in India; who loves to play with different design systems to give the product a unique and eye-catching look.

Want to work with me, or collaborate on a project?

Find me here 👇🏼

                         [**CONTACT ME**](<https://indify.co/widgets/live/button/1NHgRf9l8K14TjIyBPrG>)



About Me

I’m a Data Science Student at IIT Madras and an enthusiast in the field of Design.

I love to get answers out from a set of data through experiments and research which helps me in the field of design to solve various problems and get the best design relevant to the field of product.

I’m a productivity geek who constantly wants to improve even 1% every single day and wants to build products with genuine potential to make a change in the society for better tomorrow.


What I do ?


I’m a Product Designer at Propzing and 3D Designer who builds eye-catching interfaces for Mobile Apps & Websites backed with deep research and data analysis.

I’m here to find solutions for any problem related to product design so that others could focus more on what they are really good at and make a revolutionary product embraced by the customers.

Let’s build something worth giving a thought!



Random thoughts around different topics which sometimes tend to be useful for others as well as myself to understand things better.


Digital Products

Useful Digital products and templates created to make things easier for a digital creator.



Design Tutorials and Workflows curated at a single destination in form of videos to share the essence of design to everyone.

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Take a look into my life from education perspective where I write about tech that I’m currently exploring or things I’m working on.

Recent Projects

<aside> 👉🏽 To have a look at more of my design related work, check out → **Dribble** or Instagram


Contact Me :