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💡 Definitions




  1. a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.
  2. (in Marxism) the class struggle which is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.
  3. a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation.
  4. an instance of revolving. the movement of an object in a circular or elliptical course around another or about an axis or centre.

Otpor! Wikipedia definition Founded and best known as an organization employing nonviolent struggle  as a course of action against the Milošević-controlled Serbian authorities, Otpor grew into a civic youth movement whose activity culminated on 5 October 2000 with Milošević's overthrow. In the course of a two-year nonviolent struggle against Milošević, Otpor spread across Serbia, attracting in its heyday more than 70,000 supporters who were credited for their role in the 5 October overthrow.

Laughtivism (a portmanteau of laughter+ activism) is strategic use of humor and mocking by social nonviolent movements in order to undermine the authority of an opponent, build credibility, break fear and apathy and reach target audiences. It has been defined, and predominantly practiced independently by two activist groups - The Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS) based in Belgrade, Serbia (Executive Director Srđa Popović) as well as the New York-based team the Yes Men. Some recent examples of Laughtivism include: The Yes Men creating a false movie production company comparing the Midwestern Tar Sands area to Mordor, and Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef's satirical television show The B+ which made fun of events during the Egyptian Revolution in 2011.

📚 Books

Blueprint for Revolution by Srdja Popovic

From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Guide to Nonviolent Resistance by Gene Sharpe

The Politics Of Nonviolent Action by Dr. Gene Sharp

How to stand up to a dictator by Maria Ressa