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💡 Definitions

From Wikipedia: Queer ecology states that people often regard nature in terms of dualistic notions like "natural and unnatural", "alive or not alive" or "human or not human", when in reality, nature exists in a continuous state. The idea of "natural" arises from human perspectives on nature, not "nature" itself.

From the Years Project: Queer ecology is an academic mode of thought combining queer theory with environmental studies with the goal of diversifying our narratives of the natural world. Queerness is an integral part of life on earth. Beyond human sexuality and gender, queerness refers to that which is beyond standard convention, that which is paradoxical, contradictory, and counterintuitive. Isn’t it queer the way some ecosystems demand fire and destruction to thrive? How strange is it that an octopus in the Pacific brooded over her eggs for 4 years, and no one knows why? Our natural world is always taking us by surprise, changing our minds, and proving us wrong. To quote Haraway, “there is a polyphony of stories, and they do not harmonize.” Unfortunately, our traditional ideas of nature do not lend themselves easily to this polyphony. This is where the queering of ecology comes in handy.

📚 Books

8 books on queerness and nature by Book Riot

A Natural History of Transition by Callum Angus

Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake

🦸🏻‍♀️ Accounts to follow



Callum Angus website

🖋 Articles

Sex Weather Climate Death - A Substack publication by Callum Angus

Humans and Nature Flourish Together

Queer Theory for Lichens

Positive News: Responsible Businesses - the leaders who put nature first