Measure analog voltages with the internal SAMD51 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

We use the built-in CircuitPython library called analogio for analog input (as well as out). There are a number of pins on the SAMD51 capable of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), one of which is convenient to access from the GPIO header below the microcontroller.

ADC pin labeled "AIN5" is one option for measuring voltages.

ADC pin labeled "AIN5" is one option for measuring voltages.

⚙ Hardware Needed

📚 External Libraries Needed


📑 Code

import board
import analogio

ain5 = analogio.AnalogIn(board.AIN5)

# measure the voltage at pin AIN5 (raw 16-bit value)
raw_ain5 = ain5.value

# to see what the raw value is scaled from 0V to 3.3V
scaled_ain5 = (ain5.value * 3.3) / (2 ** 16)
print(scaled_ain5 )

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