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The Problem 🌍

Climate change will be the most complicated issue to tackle. According to a survey done on millennials, 48.8% said it is the hardest problem in the world.

Humans have known about climate change since the early 19th century, yet little progress has been made. Each year seems to break some new, horrible record like the hottest year, or most CO2 emitted.

Climate change refers to how much the normal weather of an area changes over time — accounting for variables like precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns. Many confuse this with global warming, however, it is slightly different. Global warming involves the rise in temperature, as a result of greenhouse gases collecting in the atmosphere.

At the moment, many technologies are being implemented to try and fight the climate crisis; one being quantum computers.

All over the world, people are protesting to raise awareness on this issue.

All over the world, people are protesting to raise awareness on this issue.

A Bit About Quantum 💻

A quantum computer at IBM.

A quantum computer at IBM.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3d62ce23-b23a-42b5-a25a-dcb9b1888f6f/Screen_Shot_2021-06-29_at_10.16.48_AM.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3d62ce23-b23a-42b5-a25a-dcb9b1888f6f/Screen_Shot_2021-06-29_at_10.16.48_AM.png" width="40px" /> Currently, society uses classical computers to complete tasks. From searching on the internet to playing a video game, these computers are able to run programs well.

However, a newfound technology known as quantum computers can revolutionize the way in which humans use technology. Quantum computers use quantum physics to run multiple applications at the same time. They are able to run a variety of applications much faster than classical computers. This allows quantum computers to solve highly complex problems in record time, whilst upholding a high accuracy.
