TL;DR: If you’re going to skip this entire thing and read only one thing, read this thing: How to test a resume.


Hi, I’m Allen. I do a lot of things, and what I do today isn’t relevant to you yet.

I used to work at EY Los Angeles where I was directly and indirectly responsible for bringing in 125+ peeps over my years into EY, and way more in to all other Big 4 and Public Accounting Companies. I also am a CSULB Alum. My resume is somewhere in this guide to give you my academic story.

I wrote this guide as a tactical and practical way for you to write a resume and land jobs. I do not cover how to interview, nor how to contact and leverage your network. I leave that to your peers and organizations around you.

I hope this benefits you; I had wish greatly for something like this when I was going through it all.

You can follow me at if you want to know what I do.


Resumes are a representation of your future potential and impact to whomever is interested in hiring you. A resume makes you a product as represented in paper. It gives the reader a snapshot into the things you have done, and makes it easier to infer what you could do.

Resunes are a snapshot of you, and they can easily be forward off to your next career opportunity without you knowing.

How do you write a resume that can stand on its own?