🎙 Deep Dive - Ali Abdaal x Khe Hy

Live Blog

On Routine + Writing Weekly Newsletters

“If you want a routine or structure, try to impose a constraint. I always struggled writing all my essays on Saturday but that led to arguments and losing valuable leisure time. But I’ve just hired a personal assistant and so my constraint now is that I have to get my email newsletter done by Thursday evening. Another way you can impose a constraint is to plan something on Sunday nights so that you force yourself to write it beforehand”

“The more self-aware you become; you will begin to KNOW intrinsically what makes you happy”.

On Buying a Tesla

“If there was no-one else in the world, would you still want the car? First define your values and then make sure your spending aligns with your values. I push people to spend more money IF it aligns with their values”.

“I optimise for joy as long as it’s the intrinsic joy that you are optimising for. Spend money on things that really align with your values and your intrinsic joy”

“Ask yourself if it would truly make you happier rather than think about the potential benefits to your content creation”

On Status

“The whole issue with status is that it requires someone else to impart it on you”

On Validation + Meaning

“What if you were asked to write an article and at the end told to press delete rather than publish? For me, it felt wrong and horrible and that made me realise that I don’t just only love the craft but I love the response and the reaction as well. Just asking myself that question made me realise that I do get value from that validation".

“Seeking validation is not necessarily a bad thing – trying to create a legacy or trying to succeed in a certain area of content for example are not bad things. The key is to be honest with yourself about why you are doing it”.

On Parenting + Work/Life Balance

“There’s a moment with kids – they’re born and for a few short years, you and your partner are the most important people in their lives but one day they will wake up and you won’t be the most important person. But that window is so short and it made me think why would I distract myself with any blogs or work to take my attention away from that small window?”

“We become prisoners of our own expectations”

On Meaning + Self-Worth + Leisure

“If one’s self-worth is driven by what you accomplish, it’s a very slippery slope because you only derive your self-worth through achievements but that comes at the expense of leisure, love etc”

“I don’t think achieving is bad, but I think achieving just because it’s filling an emptiness within you, then that needs to be explored more”

“We have it all backward. We go on vacation or meditate in order to be well-rested in order to be better at work - that's all wrong”

“Culturally we’ve said that leisure is not virtuous – watching Netflix is not seen as productive. For the Romans the amount of leisure time was a show of wealth. Today a lot of people view leisure in a patronising way and busyness is a measure of importance and status”.

On Meaning, Scarcity Mindset and Purpose

“One question I ask is do you feel at peace? If I was to open up your brain and there was a representation of noise level and disturbance, would there be a wind storm over the Pacific ocean or would it be a still lake? That's always a good question to ask yourself”.

“The scarcity mindset is ‘this is too good to be true, this can’t last’. It’s a really debilitating feeling because what happens from that is that there is never enough. I think the first thing to do is accept that it’s a natural feeling”.

“There is always a question of what’s enough. I do 4 Notion courses a year – there is demand for 8. But I recognise that with four I can do everything that I want to do and don’t need to make myself that busy and have to have employees etc”.

“Being ok with what is enough for you. Just because other people can do it doesn’t mean that you have to do it as well. The thing to know is – do you derive your confidence and happiness from within or do I derive my happiness from other people?”

On Motivations + Experience at Wall Street

“I wasn’t a cool kid – I had a very good childhood, but I never felt like I belonged. A lot of what I did in my late teens and twenties was to try and make that feeling go away. My very naïve mind was just ‘if you make a lot of money then the other aspects will fall into place’ – so that was a big motivator. I also said to myself that I never want to be in a position where I have to ask someone else for money to buy the things that I want”.

“Finance is a very easy way to get you out of the bottom but once you get there the feeling that you belonged or accepted isn’t long lasting and any feeling of success is short-lived. I call it the pebble in my shoe – I often tell younger people be alert to those pebbles because they don’t go away - they actually become harder to dislodge".

On Entrepreneurship

"When I was on Wall Street, I knew I wanted to leave but I knew I need something. That’s when I started an anonymous blog and I created a couple of CRMs. When I left I had no entrepreneurial plan and I gave myself 18 months to experiment and see what happened".

“My newsletter was the catalyst for every business opportunity. I was asked to do some coaching by a hedge fund manager, I was asked to do a TEDx talk – all these things happened because I was putting myself out there and sharing things that were kind of cool. You do it for 6 straight years and opportunities will find you”.

On Email Newsletters

“I sent 5 articles to 36 people from vacation and they just loved it. What is cool about it is that I genuinely enjoy reading, curating and writing.

“If you can make it out of 25 weeks, you can beat 98% of the competition. Once you have crossed the ‘I don’t want to do it” phase, it becomes so much easier”.

“One of my life philosophies is to be a fast tortoise and my email newsletter has adopted that fast tortoise approach”.

👱🏼‍♂️ Khe

Khe been called “Oprah for Millennials” by CNN and the “Wall Street Guru” by Bloomberg. He is deeply passionate about communities centred around generosity - both enabled by technology but also embracing in-person serendipity.

🖥RadReads / 🖥Notion courses / 🐤Twitter / 📸Instagram / ⛓LinkedIn

👨🏼‍⚕️ Ali

Ali is a doctor, YouTuber and podcaster. His day job involves saving lives, but in the evenings he makes videos about productivity, tech, education and lifestyle stuff.

🎬YouTube / 🎙Podcast / 💻 Website / 🐤Twitter / 📸Instagram

Books Mentioned

Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson


01:00 Khe's Introduction

03:30 Email Newsletters (+Entrepreneurship)

11:30 Motivations + Experience on Wall Street

18:30 Meaning + The Scarcity Mindset

31:30 On What's Enough

34:20 Ambition vs Leisure, Total Work + Self-Worth

45:20 Legacy + Valuing Activities

47:25 Prisoners of Our Own Expectations

49:45 Parental Realisations

53:10 Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

55:15 Living for the Present vs Future Rewards/Validation

59:20 The Elephant in the Brain + The Status Game

01:05:40 Buying A Tesla + Personal Spending

01:15:10 Writing, Routines and Structure

01:24:20 Relationships and Dating