What are options?


Let’s share a comparison with a retailer selling a tee-shirt from a distributor.

A retailer will buy a tee-shirt at 10 euros on Monday (the exercise fixed price) to a distributor, and sell it for 30 euros (the market value) on Saturday to make a profit of 20 euros (before taxation).

This is the same principles for Equity: we give the right to buy a stock options at a “X” exercise fixed price and you’ll have a future possibility to sell it for “Y” euros (the market value at the time Alan will become a public company)


How does the vesting work at Alan**?**

<aside> 🤓 A vesting period refers to the amount of time in which an Alaner is required to work for us before they are able to exercise their options (ie. “convert” them into shares).


When can I sell my shares?

ie: if I am working at Alan and I have vested all my options, I can't exercise them after 10 years even though I am still working at Alan : after 10 years, they will be void
