When I started spending most of time on internet in my freshman year, I came across numerous people who, like naval, warikoo, and many others, used to stress the need of reading. I started reading, had a Goodreads account, and used to read blogs like "5 Best Novels I've Read Last Year" to see who else was reading certain books.

I detest looking at other people's book suggestions now. I believe that what we should read should be determined by our interest and reading preferences.

Anyone who wants to start reading but hasn't yet should choose books on subjects they want to learn more about and get better at rather than bestsellers or books that others recommend or are reading.

While there are thousands of books available to us, those who recommend books let us know about some of the better ones. I'm not trying to argue with them in any way. In reality, I enjoyed my first book, "Atomic Habit," which I read on the basis of a recommendation. I still enjoy reading it whenever I have time. Just pursue your curiosity and read anything that tickles your attention; don't look for book recommendations or ask others what to read.

Next time pick up a book out of curiosity and not recommendation