
This document describes the migration process for the [quiltmc.org](<http://quiltmc.org>) domain, from AWS Route 53 to Cloudflare, and rollbacks if necessary.

The reasoning behind this change is outside the scope of this document.


Considering the target plan for Cloudflare is “Free”, we cannot import SSL certificates before changing nameservers. This will incur downtime for SSL certificate issuance, estimated to be five minutes.

As far as we can tell, we cannot add an external alternate domain to CloudFront distributions before the nameservers are changed. Verifications would have to be done after SSL certificates have been issued, and we estimate this to also take five minutes.

We provision 10 minutes to check the infrastructure and fix any potential issues or rollback if need be.

The total downtime is therefore estimated to be 20 minutes.

Preparation work

The Cloudflare Pages project [quiltmc-org.pages.dev](<http://quiltmc-org.pages.dev>) shall be migrated to the new Cloudflare account beforehand. See Appendix A for the Cloudflare Page project configuration.

Cloudflare allows us to register the domain [quiltmc.org](<http://quiltmc.org>) before the nameservers are changed.

The following settings will be changed:

DNS records will be also set up beforehand. See Appendix B for the full list.