Empowering FPOs by providing improved access to market, capital and technology.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e0b3d211-e93a-4b53-b3b0-01249a098894/2442970-200.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e0b3d211-e93a-4b53-b3b0-01249a098894/2442970-200.png" width="40px" /> Learn more


Do it all with KisanDesk

A digital platform that helps FPOs to manage their data, monitor their crop and help deliver high-quality produce.

Digital Farm

Allows farmers to keep and manage farming data, including farm records, farm finances, and farm inventory in one place.

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Input Procurement

Forecasts input demand for FPOs in advance and ensure low cost, high quality, and bulk sourcing of inputs direct from agri-produce companies.

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Farm Insights

Assists farmers by providing the best farming practices and insights to make smart and timely decisions to improve their yield.

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FPO Management

Ensures real-time tracking of FPO operations and provides analytics-driven dashboards across the entire value chain to achieve supply efficiency.

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Market Linkages

Helps engaging FPOs with large-scale buyers ahead of harvest by leveraging real-time yield prediction, to get them better prices for their produce.

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Financial Aid

Provides credit-risk assessment to FPOs using previous performance, financial statements, and yield prediction to access hassle-free credit.

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All-in-one platform for FPOs

A platform that connects FPOs with the entire agriculture value chain from seed to sale.

Driving digital transformation, commercialization, and ease of doing business for FPOs.


Farmer's App

A mobile application for farmers to manage their farming related data, receive insights and advisory.


FPO Suite

A desktop suite to that allows FPOs to automate most of their workflow.


Commonly asked questions and their answers.