<aside> 💡 You may email [email protected] for instructions on how to import the templates into your Notion account or [check this product at Gumroad](https://agilecreativelabs.gumroad.com/l/hybridprojectmanagement?_gl=1*1lqhxaq*_ga*NjE4ODAwMjkzLjE2NTgzNTIyNTc.*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTY2MDUyMjQ5Mi4yMC4xLjE2NjA1MjI0OTguMA..).


Hybrid project management is a technique where high-level project phases are planned using the waterfall or predictive approach and project phase work (actual tasks) execution is done agile or adaptive approach. This Hybrid Project Management system is based on Project Management Institute (PMI) and Scrum.org's processes. It combines Waterfall and Agile frameworks and methodologies to deliver complex and innovation-related projects.


<aside> 💡 In the Project Initiation stage, you set the boundaries of the project (scope, schedule, resources, budget), establish a common understanding of initial assumptions, issues, and risks, and gain formal authorization to start the project from stakeholders.


Project Charter

Team Home


<aside> 💡 In the Project Planning stage, you determine how the project will be executed and managed, and determine high-level estimates of schedule, scope, budget, and quality.


Project Plan

Project Scope


<aside> 💡 In the Project Execution stage, the team starts to Design, Build (Development or Configuration), Test, and Deploy the solution. This is also where the Sprint begins.


Project Execution
