Hello! We're so excited to bring you VR using WebXR in the browser. WebXR works seamlessly on Oculus Quest. The WebXR technology on tethered headsets is not yet finished, so we can't guarantee it will work for everyone. If you are using a non-Oculus device, you will require some extra steps when using desktop PC with tethered headset.

Method 1

The first step is to ensure you are using SteamVR for all non-Oculus Quest devices.

If your desktop browser can detect your headset, you will see this button:


Clicking the button will refresh the page and take you through the VR setup flow

If you're using Valve Index, HTC Vive or a similar headset

Go into SteamVR developer settings and set the OpenXR runtime to SteamVR.


Method 2

If the above doesn't work take a look at this reddit post that outlines how to launch Chrome with less security to - Pasted Below

Hi all, I've been having trouble getting the VR mode working. When I would launch VR mode I would see "Next up" for Chrome in SteamVR but it would never do anything. If you're experiencing that issue, try adding " --disable-features=XRSandbox " command line flags to your Chrome shortcut.

To do this:

  1. Right click your Chrome shortcut and select "Properties"
  2. In the "Target" field, add "--disable-features=XRSandbox" without quotes to the end of the existing value.