Engineering philosophy

Summarize your team's approach to engineering here.

Preparing Code for Review

Preparation sets your reviewers up for success.

Commit Messages

Make sure your commit messages are descriptive.

Github PR Descriptions

Your PR descriptions should be an extension of your commit messages. Write about both what the commit changes, and how you implemented the change.

Code Review Guidelines

  1. Code review is a priority

  2. PR reviews by 2 devs

  3. Not more than 2 open PRs

  4. Code review rules

    1. Ensure PRs are good, i.e. short and well labeled
    2. Use relevant commit messages and descriptions in the PR
    3. Automate as much as possible
      • Set CI/CD pipelines
      • Set code style formatters and linters
      • Deploy branch to test environment
  5. Recommended to squash all commits to one commit when sending PRs.

  6. If your PR is pending some other PR then you can do these to unblock yourself:

  1. Make two passes over the PR if it's substantial.