Self-signed certificates and http on Android

There are few ways to enable connection to servers with untrusted certificates (that is blocked by default):

  1. Apply in your project code: FCurlHttpManager::CurlRequestOptions.bVerifyPeer = false;
  2. In the Project Settings dialog, look in the Engine - Network section for Libcurl Verify Peer checkbox. Try turning it off and see if it works.

Non-trusted connections (http) on iOS

Thanks to Joe Conley with this how-to.

It’s not the easiest to use interface, but in the Project Settings’ iOS section, there is a section for “Additonal Plist Data”, and one of the things you can add there are “NSExceptionDomains” which allow you to specify which sites you want to allow insecure (non-Https) connections to on iOS. You have to add it in the XML plist format, and the editing experience is not great, but it’s possible.

I think probably that field should at least have a multi-line text entry box to make it a less difficult experience, but at least it should be possible. In total, it should look like this:


Another way is described by @saccomat at issue #63:

I had to put this string in the “additional plist data” inside projects settings / ios/ to let it work NSAppTransportSecurityNSAllowsArbitraryLoads