Zero Knowledge Content

Independent Blog Posts

Zero Knowledge Cryptography & the Next Digital Revolution

Explaining DeFi: Flash Loans

Data Availability & Scaling Blockchains

Decrypting Cryptography: Hash Functions

The Power of Tau or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Setup

Setup Ceremonies | ZkProof

What is ZEXE (Part 1)

What is ZEXE (Part 2)

What is ZEXE (Part 3)

How the Coming Privacy Layer Will Fix the Broken Web


ZKPodcast: Proof of Necessary Work (PoNW)

ZKPodcast: ZKHack and education

Breakpoint: Solana Panel Discussion


Decrypted Unscripted ~ Howard Wu & Sina Kian: Privacy and Blockchain

End to End Developer Platform with Alex Pruden

BlockHash: Exploring the Blockchain - Alex Pruden COO of Aleo

Other Resources

Zcash: What are zk-SNARKS?

Crypto Glossary

General Repositories


YouTube | Medium


Zexe: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation

Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees

Leo: A Programming Language for Formally Verified, Zero-Knowledge Applications

Aleo Content


zkSummit6: Programmable Zero Knowledge

ETHDenver: Programmable Zero Knowledge with Aleo

ZKPodcast: Aleo Overview

ZKPodcast: Zexe

Mainnet 2021: Leo Demo

How zkSNARKs Can Provide Value - An Example with ZEXE

Debate: Scaling & the Censorship Resistance Threshold

ZK Hack #6 - Aleo Workshop Part 1, Deriving Value from zkSNARKs: An Example with ZEXE ZK Hack #6 - Aleo Workshop Part 2 - Leo the Circuit Compiler: The Why and the What ZK Hack #6 - Aleo Workshop Part 3 - Leo Circuit Compiler Workshop

Official Aleo Blog