Authorize integration

When you initially click on Zendesk to set up the integration, you are prompted to enter the Zendesk Domain.

Copy and paste your Zendesk domain information. This will usually look like

Then click Next.

Next, you will be required to authorize Foqal to access your Zendesk account and allow the systems to interact with each other. Click Authorize. This will take you to and ask you to authorize the access to control Zendesk. Once authorized, you will configure the Zendesk options.

<aside> 💡 The user authorizing Zendesk should have administrator permissions.


Configure Integration

Welcome message - When a new ticket is created, it is also created in Zendesk. The welcome message is displayed in the Agent and can be personalized using a few different variables from Zendesk.

Example Welcome Message:

Mr. {{LAST_NAME}}, we have created a ticket for you. Click here to view it: {{TICKET_URL}}

Default Public Description - A description message that will be added to the Zendesk ticket when it is created. It is often added to have a way to link the Zendesk ticket back to the Slack thread. It can be personalized using a few different variables.

Example Public Description:

To help track this conversation, please check out this Slack thread: {{THREAD_URL}}

Assignment Group - Select a Zendesk group that new tickets are assigned to.

Interactive Create - When set to Yes and when creating the Zendesk from the thread options, Zendesk will display the Create Ticket dialog and allow you to customize the subject, description, custom fields, etc. When set to No, a ticket is automatically created in Zendesk based on the default values and no user interaction.

Transcript Creation - Select Private or Public comments. Tickets created are bidirectional; a ticket created in Agent is synced into Zendesk and vice versa. By default, messages created in the Agent conversation are also posted to the Zendesk ticket as a public comment. A public comment allows anyone that has access to the ticket to see the comment.

A private comment is only visible to other agents but never the customers and it will not cause a Zendesk notification of a new message.

Create Ticket

When creating a ticket with a Zendesk integration, the default fields such as Subject, Description, Status, Type, and Priority are prefilled with information from the initial message and Agent.

The rest of the fields on the ticket are custom fields from Zendesk, for example, Affected Product and Reproduce Steps. For more about configuring custom fields, see this Zendesk help article