When you create content, you might want to include search engine optimization (SEO). This will help you optimize your content for search engines like Google.

If you are trying to grow your qualified search traffic, we highly recommend combining content marketing with your SEO efforts.


When you are creating new content, don’t just create it for the sake of it, but write based on what your audience wants to read as well as what keywords you want to target.

Research what people are looking for, and what keywords to use.

Research what people are looking for, and what keywords to use.

There are many tools to help you discover what they want to know more about. You can research your own website analytics, look at your competitors keywords, or figure out what people are searching for online. We’ll add the tools to do so in the resource section.

Once you figure out the keywords you are targeting, you can write content around them, keeping in mind that the article also creates value to the reader.


Make sure you write high-quality content that is in-depth and educates your reader. Most content that ranks on page one on Google has an average of 2,000 words. Again, remember to focus on informing your reader. Don’t just write for the sake of getting 2,000 words.

Another reason to create high quality content in your field is because it will help you get other websites to backlink to your article. The more backlinks your article has, the higher it typically ranks.

On-SEO - Best practices for successful content creation

When it comes to search engine optimization, there are three main pillars that need to be taken into consideration: