<aside> 🤫 Can we let you in on two little secrets?

  1. We are rebranding Orca Protocol to Metropolis! Announcement coming Wednesday (08/31).

  2. Along with our rebrand, we’re opening up limited access to pods on Wednesday (08/31) — and YOU are part of the select group we’ve chosen to share pods with! 🤗


Supercharge your Gnosis Safe

<aside> 🌀 PODS = Gnosis Safe multi-sig with a permissions layer for managing signers.


It’s a simple — but powerful — primitive, that supercharges your Gnosis Safe.

1) All your Safes in one interface Proposals across all your multi-sigs are aggregated into one interface ‒ making it easy for signers to quickly approve transactions.

2) Manage signers with zero fuss With admin capabilities and NFTs for managing signers, mass onboarding and off-boarding contributors is simple.

3) Give your Safe an identity No need to waste time and energy identifying multi-sig addresses. Every pod has a unique NFT, ENS name, and matching URL.

The best part? Pods don’t change your Gnosis Safe—they just give it superpowers.

<aside> ⚠️ No DAO-wide votes or consensus required

Pods can be enabled per-Gnosis Safe, so you don’t need DAO-wide consensus for individual working groups / guilds to enable pods.


How It Works

You can read more about product details here: https://docs.metropolis.space/ 💙  but a quick note:

Our smart contracts do not interact with, or have access to, the assets in your Gnosis Safe. These contracts can only manage who is a signer on your Safe. Our contracts have been independently audited by Consensys Dilligence, Quantstamp, and the internal auditors at Gnosis Safe.

Next Steps

You will have access to pods on August 31st. This will give you the ability to:

  1. Enable the pod module for existing Gnosis Safes

    Note: enabling the pod module requires approval from multi-sig signers. Feel free to share this page with other signers to make the process of enabling pods smoother.

  2. Create new pods (which creates a new Gnosis Safe with the pod module enabled from the start)

You can do all of this through our interface at pod.xyz.

What’s Coming

Standalone pods are powerful tools, but they’re even more powerful when you click them together. From pod templates to a visual podarchy builder, we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve got in store. Make sure you’re following us on Twitter to stay updated on all things pods.

Want to check in? We’re here for you. Schedule time to chat.