Think about who you are trying to reach and what you are offering

Event Titles

A good event title is expressive and specific. For instance, is it an “Exercise Group” or an “Over 50s Morning Workout”?

Equally, consider simplifying the name if it makes what it is clearer. For example, “Manchester Community Qigong (Women only sessions)” could be simplified to “Qigong for Women”. You can use the event description to elaborate.

Writing a good summary

It’s better to spell out acronyms. For example, instead of “N.A.” write “Narcotics Anonymous” . It’s OK if the acronym is explained, for example “PARS: Exercise group for women”. If in doubt, spell it out!

Avoid forward slashes and try and only use colons, commas, and ampersands as punctuation. “Coffee Morning/Food Voucher Service” is better as “Coffee Morning & Food Voucher Service”.

Make sure if events are running more than once, that the naming and capitalisation is consistent.

Creating a complete description (event body)

A complete event description should be to the point, and include at minimum:

Additionally, it could include:

TO DO: Markdown guidelines