At RnDAO, we’re exploring new ways to work together. A key part of this is the relationship between the organisation and its contributors.

Traditionally, companies hire employees. Most employees are devoid of significant decision making power (which leads to adversarial relationships and unionisation) and they have mostly a fixed salary with limited upside if the organisation does well. Although we appreciate the sense of security the traditional model offers, employee’s are by design less engaged than founders. Most employee-employer models embed parent-child-like dynamics at the core of the organisation. Employee-employer models are also rather rigid and cookie-cutter (reducing human potential), and are not particularly conducive to psychological wellbeing.

We aim to turn this model on its head:

These ambitions are a tall order, and a constant work in progress that we hope you’ll help us refine and evolve.

The current version looks like this:

RnDAO is divided in Units: Projects Units which are autonomous (the ventures we incubate) and DAO Work Units which are semi-autnonomous (and provide services for the DAO to function). Contributors can join an existing Unit (or several) or start a new Unit.

Each Unit has its own P&L and decides how to attract and compensate contributors. Solving this has 3 main components:

  1. Working as a team to generate funds from servicing other Units, providing services to RnDAO directly, or serving external clients, or raising funds from investors.