When it comes to managing performance, setting and tracking goals can be just as important as coaching skills. With WorkStory, you can now create goals for yourself or your team, capture progress updates quickly and easily, and monitor those goals as they move towards completion.

This guide will teach you, how to create goals and provide progress updates so that you can more easily track your performance and develop your skills throughout the year.

Creating a Goal

Creating a Goal (2).mp4

When it comes to goals, you can set one for yourself, or your manager can set one for you. To get started all you need is a Title and a Description. Remember, Goals are much easier to understand and achieve if written with the SMART structure. Here are the different aspects of building a goal.

Parent Goals

WorkStory goals are built to be nested. This means that you can place goals underneath each other if they relate. For example a larger objective may be to “Drive 10% more revenue this year” and a nested goal within that could be “Sign five new clients in Q1”. These nested goals can belong to different people.

If a goal does not have a Parent Goal, that’s ok, simply select “No parent goal”

Goal Type

There are a few types or levels - Individual, Team, and Company. These are simply tags to help administrators organize things when looking at the goals. Tag your goal with the appropriate type based on where it fits within your operations.

Progress Type

There are four types of goals