We believe that great tools makes a great craftsman. Also in hindsight, we all know tools are just tools. Just because you bought the latest and shiniest tools, it doesn't make you the most talented person in the world either. Haha.

Investing in tools is a no brainer. However, choosing the right ones that fit – is almost close to rocket-science. Here's a list of product development tools we use at Abstract! 🚀

Investing in tools is a no brainer. But depending on the size, context, and complexity of the problems you're solving – choosing the right one that fit is challenging. 🚀

Investing in tools is a no brainer. However, choosing the right ones that fit is challenging.


Tools We Currently Use


Where we host our client code repositories


Where we share coding resources and boilerplates


We happen to love scrum and Jira just fits perfectly for this process